The Our Lady of Sorrows School Board and PTA are proud to announce that the annual Knight to Remember (KTR) Gala will be held at the Trenton Country Club on Friday, May 9, 2025. This event is the biggest fundraising effort of the school year!
We will be honoring our fellow parishioners JoANN SCHRADER, PEGGY SEILER-BRAND, JIM & CYNDI PRIMERANO, and COACH NICK COMMISO for their contributions to our parish and school communities.
From now until the night of the event, we will be selling super 50/50 tickets (last year’s winning shares amounted to $16,978). Tickets may be obtained at both the parish and school offices.
For more information about the gala, including purchasing tickets to the event, placing ads in our program book and sponsorship packages, please email us at: [email protected] or call Chrissy Venose, event chairperson, at (609) 510-0905. This information and forms may also be obtained at the links below.
As we move forward, please continue to watch this page for information. Your support will go far to ensure the success of our gala!